
Return/Exchange Policy

BrandDukan is dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction with every purchase. Our 30-Day Hassle-Free Returns policy allows you to return or exchange eligible items within 30 days of delivery. To initiate a return or exchange, simply contact our Customer Service team, who will guide you through the process and provide you with a Return Authorization Number (RAN). Please make sure the item is in its original condition with all tags and packaging intact. While you are responsible for return shipping costs, we will gladly cover these costs if the item received is damaged, defective, or incorrect. At BrandDukan, we strive to provide a seamless shopping experience, and our return/exchange policy is designed to ensure your confidence in choosing us for your shopping needs.

Delivery Chargesfrom Rs.400
99% PositiveFeedbacks
7 DaysReturn Policy
PaymentSecure System
Only BestBrands